WIKIPEDIE – literal quote:
Teak is a tropical hardwood endemic to South and Southeast Asia. It was already used in about 6 – 7th century in the Siamese Kingdom period, in the area of today’s Thailand.
Plantation Teak is a tropical hardwood tree from the genus Tectona, endemic to South and Southeast Asia. It grows up to 30 – 40 meters in height and its leaves fall off in winter. Teak is an important tree species grown and harvested in tropical countries due to its high-quality wood. Teak wood was popular in 1950s and 1960s because it was used for Danish-style elements. Teak furniture experienced great boom as it became popular due to its uniqueness and elegant appearance.
Brief description
Matter of interest: The biggest teak tree with trunk diameter almost 2.5 meters (measured approx 2 meters above the ground) and height 45 – 46 meters can be seen in Burma.
Life cycle: Approximately one hundred years.
Growth rate: Teak tree grows faster in humid climates; however, its wood density and strength are lower. And thus, wood from teak trees growing in “drier” areas of tropics is more suitable for purposes of the building and furniture industry.
Places of occurrence: Mainly Southeast Asia; however, it can generally grow in entire tropical zone between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn.
Use: Teak wood is used for production of outdoor garden furniture, ship decks and other products exposed to influence of weather. Besides that, teak wood is also used for production of various percussion and stringed instruments or their parts, e.g. sitars or African-type djembe drums produced in Indonesia. One of the significant processor of teak wood is India where doors, window frames, furniture and columns for old-style type of buildings are produced. Many typical English libraries are made of teak wood. Leaves and bark contain great amount of red pigments and thus, they are frequently used for dyeing of textile. Bark, wood and flowers contain healing substances reducing intestinal problems, fever and supporting treatment of some skin diseases. Due to natural content of oil and essential oil is teak wood resistant to moisture and parasites.
Advantages of teak wood:
- It is very hard, strong and flexible
- It is resistant to influences of weather, light, wind, rain and even frost
- It is commonly resistant to mould, termites and other pests
Teak is the most durable wood resistant to meteorological effects. It is not liable to decay; it twists and cracks minimally. After a while, natural color of teak wood changes to light grey with almost silvery patina – this is mainly popular abroad. Its golden brown color can be preserved by application of teak oil.
Teak trees growing in drier areas of tropics and plantations are characteristic with the densest - i.e. highest quality – wood. Our wood is from West Africa, from regulated harvest with valid license.